Door Lock Price in Bangladesh 2024

Access Control Bangladesh provides Electro Magnetic Lock, Exit Button, ZL, and U Bracket door locks at the best price in Bangladesh.

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Door Lock for Access Control

Door locks are essential for maintaining security and controlling access to buildings or rooms. Among the various types of door locks, electromagnetic locks stand out for their reliability and effectiveness. An electromagnetic lock consists of two main components: a magnet and an armature plate. When an electric current passes through the magnet, it creates a strong magnetic force that attracts the armature plate, effectively locking the door. This mechanism provides a high level of security as it requires power to release the lock, making it difficult for unauthorized individuals to bypass it. Additionally, an exit button is often installed alongside electromagnetic locks to allow authorized individuals to easily exit by momentarily interrupting the electric current and releasing the lock. ZL and U brackets are accessories commonly used with electromagnetic locks to ensure proper installation and alignment, enhancing the overall functionality and durability of the locking system. These components work together seamlessly to provide reliable access control and enhance the security of any space.